CREESC engage important stakeholders in Romania

By Andreea Baias M.Sc., CREESC, Romania 13. August 2019

E-LAND pilot, Research Center of Valahia University of Targoviste (UVTgv), has taken the first steps to build an engagement community for getting external support and saw seeds in the evolution of smarter energy in Romania.

E-LAND will benefit from early engagement activities, as stakeholders feel informed and an associated part of the development loop. Dialogue is a key to make a forum where you feel your input is being heard and taken into consideration.

During the summer of 2019, CREESC has organised two strategic meetings in Bucharest with major stakeholders that can accelerate E-LAND project evolution and positively influence the impact of E-LAND in Romania and at European level – The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and The Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE). Members of CREESC, together with representatives from University of Targoviste and international members of the E-LAND consortium attended the two meetings.

Andreea Baias M.Sc., Technical Expert CREESC (Photo: Green Partners)

Bringing stakeholders closer

Andreea Baias from CREESC says: “In E-LAND we want to engage stakeholders to provide new ways of interacting with potential future business collaborators. We bring stakeholders closer to the core business and build trust with regards to the project and end-product, thus E-LAND becoming more popular. Besides, engaging stakeholders will result in gaining perspective during all phases of the project development, creating new opportunities for innovation, based on the feedback received.”

The Romanian Energy Market

CREESC’s role in E-LAND is to support the project partners in their effort to understand the profile of the Romanian energy market in order to develop optimized E-LAND tools based on specific characteristics and needs in the eastern European zone, with focus on Romania.

Another important task is to support, through dissemination and communication activities, one of the project pilots – UVTgv – for an optimized consolidation based on the E-LAND project perspectives.

A tour on Campus for stakeholders. (Photo: CREESC)

Andreeas Baias adds: “The evolution and market trend of these innovative elements are always in our attention and for this purpose we are trying to develop international partnerships and get involved in projects related to this sector.”

Stakeholders like energy businesses, regulatory bodies and related associations will be engaged through constant communication, whether it is through an informative newsletter, email for feedback and reporting, individual dedicated meetings, tailored events and/or workshops.

Stakeholder engagement will be consistent throughout the E-LAND development process. CREESC will act as a process facilitator, to keep stakeholders and advocates informed and engaged. Even though the same amount of information will be available to all key stakeholders, different groups of stakeholders will be engaged in different phases of the project. This will be achieved through constant communication and consultation by keeping them in the feedback loop regarding specific subjects during different development steps. Also, from the very beginning, CREESC will analyse together with UVTgv the most effective methods of citizen engagement, given the local circumstances.

Who is CREESC?

CREESC is a platform for capacity building and clean technology acceleration. The Centre for Resources in Energy Efficiency and Climate Change – CREESC – is a non-profit association founded in 2014 in Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania. CREESC is a response to the need of integrating technical and economic solutions dedicated to energy consumption reduction and climate change adaptation. CREESC’s members are specialised companies that, together with their experts, offer integrated solutions for analysis, design, implementation, financing and maintenance, focusing on the energy efficiency and renewable energy sector, on local and international level.

>> Read more about CREESC

>> Read more about University Valahia of Targoviste (UVTgv)

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